This webpage is a where I intend to build myself a specific place where I am in control. This realm is my own. Why? Join me on a little tale.
As I sit here, broken, battered, and unsure of really who I even am, I have come to realize that there exists a world in which every action of our lives is monitored, controlled, and sold off to the Highest bidder. We have become ... slaves to modern hostile-architecture in which we are a commodity, and our currency is attention. So reliant are we on these hostile environs, so dependent on our the Dopamine Generation Machine™ that we'll sit around tables gathered around our families, compatriots, and closest friends, staring at our screens instead of just taking time to be.
I have been detesting where our world is heading. Real, genuine human connection no longer only feels distant, but its becoming a statistical improbability . As a bit of a recluse, I have grown tired. Every new article spreading "How web3 will change the future" or "AI Will soon be your loyal companion" causes me to lose a little bit of myself. Being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, struggling with a defeciency of attention, and then reading, feeling and living a reality where human knowledge, emotion, expression and compassion are growing ever more distant in exchange for our cold mechanical "companions".
This page serves as part of me trying to take my digital life back into my own hands. I am trying to take a stand, choose who, when and how I interact with people. I am detoxing myself from the cold vast web. I am eliminating sources of algorithmically determined "interests" and enjoyment, and focusing back onto what I loved about the internet back when I was a teen growing up: the sense of community, closeness, and the ability to reach people and share genuine exchanges with them.
So yeah. Thats me. You can call me Nilla, Welcome to the sanctuary and I hope you enjoy your stay.